2014年4月28日 星期一



這個週末,真的沒做什麼事。星期六,很早就起來,但也沒幹嘛。下午去上暌違了一個月的西文課,總共有五個人去上,剩下的人不是回國(避難?)就是不敢來(?)。終於繳了錢,但只繳了2/3,peso不夠。課上完後,頭頭問老師,他想到當地的大學上夜間部的課,能夠給他什麼建議。我也順便問一下,因為我也想去Santo Tomás上課。我想學新的東西+學西文+認識新朋友。聽說本來四月就要開學可是因為地震延到六月,我不知道他們現在還有沒有在收學生。那個老師說我可以去讀翻譯(英/西/中),但我比較想去念採礦工程之類的,以後可以賺大錢哈哈哈。

昨天,也就是星期天,快中午才起來。下午本來想要去Centro買東西(字典、明信片、一些電器用品),但是後來聽說星期天很少店家有開,真掃興。五六點,頭頭把我留在他們家的書拿來,總覺得少了好幾本。是我沒寄到嗎?本來以為還有很多書的,有點小失望。傍晚,決定出去走路。我穿著媽媽托Y阿姨帶來的Merrell鞋,健步如飛,一路走到Jumbo。在那裡買了刮刀、字典,和一本智利地圖/地理介紹的書(才PS$ 2000!)。我本來還想買一本Isabel Allende的小說練西文,但錢沒帶夠。買完又直接走回家,這才有了運動的感覺。

今天沒運動,整天待在家。幾乎一整個早上都在彈琴。我開始練習那首很受亞洲人歡迎的Ballade pour Adelaine,雖然彈得哩哩辣辣,但可以稍微聽得出來旋律。下午,看書,上網。六點開始洗菜、切菜、煮飯、煮湯。我今天按照這個食譜煮了番茄玉米湯,但自己加了一些黃色的辣椒進去,還另外加了香菜。老闆跟老闆娘都說很好喝。

晚上看了一下那個1000 ways to die的節目,雖然有的很好笑(Elefantito! lololol),但有的很血腥。看完有點害怕,不知道自己會不會什麼時候突然以奇怪的方式死掉 ><。好恐怖。做人還是要正直、正常、小心一點好。



This is an idea suggested by Fareed Zakaria in his book The Post American World (well not exactly, but this is my understanding): Cultures that practice monotheistic religions i.e. Judaism, Christianity, and Islam, tend to have more intrusive diplomatic policies because of the missionary mindset inherently possessed by the peoples of these cultures. It seems that monotheistic religious practitioners tend to think their ideas and practices are the best and it would be for the best if the whole world adopted the same ideas and practices. In comparison, Asian cultures such as those of the Chinese and the Indians, are much more comfortable with ambiguity and the idea that there isn't really one universal truth, so they seem much more humble and less aggressive to other countries probably because they believe that they don't necessarily know better than others.
This theory makes sense to me, and it's interesting to think if this feeling of superiority and tendency to invade is a necessary result of monotheism. I just want to make one qualification though. Islam actually condemns forcefully spreading the religion.
[2:256] Let there be no compulsion in religion: Truth stands out clear from Error: whoever rejects evil and believes in Allah hath grasped the most trustworthy hand-hold, that never breaks. And Allah heareth and knoweth all things. (Yusuf Ali translation)
In other words, there is no need to force anyone to accept Islam because logic will do the job. ("Thinking" is praised in numerous places in the Qur'an.)

